123 hand-made 2D animated
POMPO avatars
Act 1
POMPO The Robot
NFT collection
POMPO The Robot
NFT collection
POMPO The Robot
NFT collection
123 hand-made animated
2D POMPO avatars
Act 1
POMPO The Robot
NFT collection
POMPO The Robot NFT collection intro
Hello everyone, my name is Leo, I’m the creator of POMPO NFT-collection.

I'm 15 years old and my main skills and hobbies are robotics, coding (JavaScript, Solidity, Python, PHP) and art illustrations.

POMPO is a multifunctional robot-helper. It is so versatile that it can become literally anyone. In the first NFT collection I want to clearly show how versatile he is by the example of my favorite characters from other universes and just fictional characters.

I created POMPO as a part of a big universe back in 2019. In January 2020 I posted it on Behance and POMPO instantly got rewarded in “Best character design” category.
The Story of POMPO
My first collection features 123 fully hand-drawn and animated POMPO robots with some nice utilities.

First of all, I’ll send a physical copy of a hand-drawn POMPO art to each of you guys who will buy an NFT from the first collection.
Those arts are the very beginning of the whole story: my first steps were hand-drawing on paper.

Secondly, each NFT from the first collection guarantees that you will get 2 free NFTs from ALL following collections (only for whitelisted). Next one 5555 generative collection will be released in a couple of months.

And the coolest thing: our community will build a battle robot.
A real one, in the real world. It will fight against other robots and compete in different tournaments (like BattleBots) and promote the learning of robotics and exact sciences.

We will build the robot together! Each of you will have the right to vote and decide which features and weapons will the robot use.

There are some other great bonuses that are covered on the mint page.

The universe of POMPO is rich with stories and funny characters, I’ll cover more of that on POMPO socials. Check them out! :)
First collection
Our roadmap
  • each NFT from this collection guarantees that you will get 2 free NFTs from all next collections if you whitlisted. And only 1 if on public sale.
  • each of you will receive a physical hand-made copy of POMPO art (shipping not included)
  • we will build the battle robot together and you will have the right to vote and decide which features and weapons will the robot use
123 hand-made animated 2D POMPO avatars
Pre-sale for whitelist starts May 17, public sale May, 19 2022
80% of earned money goes to promote my first generative collection (Act 2) and 20% to found first robo samples production and Automation Trade Show 2022 participation
Act 1: Meet POMPO The Robot
  • each NFT from this collection guarantees that you will get 2 free NFTs from all next collections if you whitlisted. And only 1 if on public sale.
  • each of you will receive a physical hand-made copy of POMPO art (shipping not included)
  • we will build the battle robot together and you will have the right to vote and decide which features and weapons will the robot use
123 hand-made animated 2D POMPO avatars Pre-sale for whitelist starts May, 17, public sale May, 19 2022
80% of earned money goes to promote my first generative collection (Act 2) and 20% to fund first robo samples production and Automation Trade Show 2022 participation
Act 1: Meet POMPO The Robot
  • We will start building a battle robot together with the community!
  • You will vote for the visuals of the next 3D collection
  • Giveaway of 300 NFTs from this collection
  • Growing rarity dependent on holding time
  • Education partners bonuses
Generative collection with 5555 pieces.
Sale starts August, 20, 2022
We will invest a minimum of $250k to build a real-life robot to participate in Battlebots.com.
What's left will be invested in Act 3.
Act 2: POMPO Battle Robot Team
  • We will start building a battle robot together with the community!
  • You will vote for the visuals of the next 3D collection
  • Giveaway of 300 NFTs from this collection
  • Growing rarity dependent on holding time
  • Education partners bonuses
Generative collection with 5555 pieces.
Sale starts
August 20, 2022
We will invest a minimum of $250k to build a real-life robot to participate in Battlebots.com.
What's left will be invested in Act 3.
Act 2: POMPO
Battle Robot Team
  • We will finish our War Robot and start preparations for real battles!
  • Further upgrade and POMPO customization mechanics development
  • Our community will decide what’s the next chapter in POMPO universe
  • More giveaways and bonuses
Generative 3D collection with 5555 pieces.
Sale starts November, 2022
I will invest money into the next part of POMPO story development
Act 3: POMPO universe is born
  • We will finish our War Robot and start preparations for real battles!
  • Further upgrade and POMPO customization mechanics development
  • Our community will decide what’s the next chapter in POMPO universe
  • More giveaways and bonuses
Generative 3D collection with 5555 pieces.
Sale starts November, 2022
I will invest money into the next part of POMPO story development
Act 3: POMPO universe is born
I have always been “partners in crime” with my dad. As a team we realized quite a few projects - both commercial and ideological.

Started this project as an NFT collection, with the idea of promoting robotics and exact sciences, we believe that it can become something bigger in the future.

Every day we wake up and think about what we can do to make something amazing to improve people’s lives. If you are joining our community as a collector, what we can promise you is that we will do our best to create something incredible for you.

If that is something you want to be a part of, please join us.
We believe we can
change the world
Art / Code
Promo / 3D